Let’s hear from our 2024 JRAY/BAA
(Broadway Artists Alliance) Winners

Sydney Parker
Fullerton Union High School Academy of the Arts
"I thought that I’d have to win a JRAY to be chosen for BAA, but I hadn’t won for my Lead Comedic Actor in a Female Role nomination. When the time came to read the winners I remember clutching the chair in front of me and praying that they’d make an exception. When they read my name I screamed so loud and just started running. The heels I wore were way too high for the sprinting I did down that aisle but who cares, I HAD WON! I don’t remember exactly what I said when I received the award but it was probably along the lines of “thank you” and “you don’t know how much this means to me.” It was a dream come true."

Jacob Koclanis
San Juan Hills High School
"I remember watching my 3 fellow winners go up to receive their awards and being in awe of their talent. The 4th and last award they would give would be to a comic male actor, but I did not expect it to be me. When my name popped up, everyone around me erupted, and I just remember trying to get to the stage as quickly as possible. When on the stage, I was next to all these people who seemed like such superstars, and I realized I was now one of them. It was an unforgettable moment and an honor."

Kayla McCarty
Ramona High School
“I actually didn’t hear my name called, I simply heard cheering and began cheering for whoever had just won, only to look at the stage and see my name on it! I was in utter disbelief and was very surprised by this, and in disbelief I made my way to the stage. To this day that moment reminds me to always aim high and to encourage fellow performers! Other people’s successes don’t take away from our own, it only adds to the multitude of good fortune that the theater world has to offer! I would like to thank my mom for everything and for anyone who has ever inspired me, both onstage and more importantly as a human being. Thank you to the JRAY’s for making this opportunity possible, I am so thrilled to be a part of this amazing community.”

Finn McGonigle
Redondo Union High School
“My one goal in high-school was to win at the JRAYS. The moment I heard my name spoken as one of the BAA winners my heart stopped. I put my hands over my head and stumbled as I began to tear up with excitement! All my dreams of the night finally came true and I was checking off a goal I worked endlessly on for a while. I was so happy and confused I even began to lightly jog to the stage in disbelief! As I looked out at a sea of talent with tears in my eyes and felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and excitement! It meant so much to get to win next to such incredible people! BAA means so much to me and I can not wait to see the lessons I learn and the memories I will make from this immense opportunity!”